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Dive Photo Guide


New Book by Tim Rock: 50 Best Dives in the Philippines
By Ian Bongso-Seldrup, August 8, 2017 @ 07:00 AM (EST)

Photojournalist Tim Rock is back with a second book in his new series, The Ultimate Guide to the Essential Sites: The 50 Best Dives in the Philippines. The book joins The 50 Best Dives in Micronesia, published in April.

Like the first volume, the new book describes not just popular dive sites but also off-the-beaten-path ones, including remote atolls and wrecks. The book features 225 full-color images and maps.

The soft cover version is priced at $38.99 while the ebook retails for $18.99.


New Book: Philippines 50 Best Dives Now Available

Author Tim Rock and Manta Ray Publishing is happy to announce the availability of the second book in the Top 50 Best Dive Sites series.

The 50 Best Dives in the Philippines, The Ultimate Guide to the Essential Sites by TIM ROCK is now available on Amazon, Blurb and Apple iTunes in paperback, ebook, PDF and Kindle versions.

This book describes the very best of the dive sites across the vast expanse of the 7,000+ islands of The Philippines. It is an inventive new concept, including both popular and off-the-beaten-path sites, outer reefs, historic shipwrecks and remote atolls. It is fun to page through, remember the sites you have visited and add new sites to your bucket list. Let your mind drift away to this island nation and imagine the adventure of witnessing first-hand the amazing marine life and fabulous coral reefs. The book covers the Malapascua, The Visayas, Puerto Galera, Bohol, Anilao, Palawan, Tubbataha and many more hot spots. Full color throughout with over 225 full color photos and maps. This is the second volume in a series that also includes Micronesia's 50 Best Dives and the soon-to-be-published Indonesia’s 50 Best Dives.



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