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Canon 60D To Replace The 50D This Year?
By Jason Heller, May 4, 2009 @ 01:00 AM (EST)
Source: CanonRumors.com

Another Canon rumor reported by the fine folks at CanonRumors.com.

Apparently some decent sources revealed that there is a good chance that Canon will soon announce the 60D to replace the 50D. Here are the details they provided.

The Goodies

  • The 60D will remain at 15.1mp. There will be an upgrade of the current sensor.

  • There will be 1080p video at 30fps. Probably no manual control. What I got from this is the 5D2 will get a firmware functionality upgrade and the 60D will basically have what the 5D2 has now.

  • We will see a newer AF system introduced.

  • The camera will shoot 8fps.

  • There will be a external mic jack.

  • The camera will be DIGIC V

Original post here...




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