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DPGer Featured on Nat Geo Photo of the Day
By Joseph Tepper, October 10, 2014 @ 09:00 AM (EST)

Shout out to DPGer and talented underwater photog Shane Gross, whose sweet shot of a sperm whale tail was selected as National Geographic’s Photo of the Day earlier this week.

Shane captured the whale of an image while on a trip to Sri Lanka. “It was late in the day and the sun was low as this small pod swam toward me, and I did my best to keep quiet so as to not frighten them,” explains Shane in the Nat Geo post. “This one started to dive and I free dove right after her, trying to get as close to that massive tail as possible. I knew she might be the last whale I'd encounter on the trip, and indeed, she was.”

In case you aren’t familiar with Shane’s work, make sure to check out his portfolio as Photographer of the Week. Kudos, Shane!




Nauticam NA-S1RII
Backscatter Smart Control Optical TTL Flash Trigger
Sea & Sea MDX-R5II
Ikelite Housing for Canon EOS R5 II
Backscatter Hybrid Flash HF-1
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