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Extinction Looms: No North Atlantic Right Whale Births
By Joseph Tepper, March 28, 2018 @ 10:07 PM (EST)
Source: CNN

The future for the North Atlantic right whale is bleak: There have been no new recorded births in the 2018 season. Already on the endangered species list, the North Atlantic right whale could be facing impending extinction without a significant population rebound, scientists say.

Traditionally, the whales spend four months in the Atlantic off the Florida and Georgia coast, but no new calves have been spotted during the season. The population of the North Atlantic right whales is already at a critical level, with only about 450 animals remaining. 

“What I’m seeing and hearing now has me worried,” Barb Zoodsma of the National Marine Fisheries Service right whale recovery program told CNN. “I am hoping this is a blip.”

Read more about the plight of the North Atlantic right whale here.




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