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The 34th World Festival of Underwater Pictures - Antibes
By Jason Heller, July 13, 2007 @ 02:00 AM (EST)

The 34th World Festival of Underwater Pictures will be held in Antibes – France, at the marine mammal park Marineland from October 24th to 28 th 2007

2007, it’s Aqua Lung’s 60th birthday. The 34th edition of the Festival will widely take part in the celebration of this jubilee.

Many celebrities practise scuba diving. Claire Keim, a French actress and singer with a brilliant career, dive since her childhood. She will be the honorary guest for the 34th edition of the Festival.

In the new spaces placed at our disposal by the marine theme park Marineland, the Festival will spread over another dimension. All festival-goers and participants can attend the shows offered by Marineland.

The opening-ceremony will be held round the orcas’ basin, with more than 4.000 seats. This evening will include an Orcas show and the screening of a film chosen among the films in competition. A cocktail will close the evening.

During the Festival, the competitors’ films, slides and slides-show will be screened into two rooms (1.000 and 300 seats). An huge car park, with thousands spaces will provide our visitors with more comfort.
Three restaurants will receive the festival participants inside the Marineland Park.
Last but not least, we will have a dedicated space at our disposal for our festive evenings.

The giving-prize ceremony will be held round the Orcas’ basin. During the ceremony, all the Festival participants will be able to attend the showing of the awarded films in the two viewing rooms.

All signs point to success. This 34th festival will remain in all the memories, even more festive than ever.


The stand reservations have to be done as soon as possible, as the total place is limited.

If you wish to receive regulation/registration form or stand reservation form by post, please send your demand to :

FMISM, 1157 chemin de la plaine, BP 1307, 06255 Mougins cedex, France




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