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Photographer of the Week – Sean Chinn
By Lia Barrett, March 23, 2017 @ 06:00 AM (EST)

Bold, rich, saturated—these are just a few choice words to describe the incredibly delicious critter images of Photographer of the Week, Sean Chinn. Having taken up photography after falling in love with scuba diving, Sean uses still imagery as a means of sharing his stories and encounters with nature and wildlife. 

But what makes this travel luster’s images so enticing is not only the vibrant hues in his macro captures, but the playfulness of the angles that he shoots from in his wide-angle shots. You can see the inner workings of his mind seconds before clicking his subjects played out in the underside of a shark, the belly of a seal and in confronting the nose of a tiger. It is obvious that Sean is the type of shooter who is willing to twist himself into a pretzel in order to get an interesting shot. And in a time where there are more and more shooters competing to create interesting work, sometimes it takes a bit of bodily sacrifice in order to achieve something just a bit out of the ordinary. 

Eyes of a peacock mantis shrimp, Anilao, Philippines

Nudibranch extending off coral, Anilao, Philippines

Blue-ringed octopus, Mabul Island, Sabah, Malaysia

Face to face with a tiger at Tiger Beach, Bahamas

A resident school of bigeye trevally, Sipadan, Malaysia

Playful seals, Farne Islands, United Kingdom

Lemon sharks at sunset, Tiger Beach, Bahamas

Turtle and sunburst, Sipadan, Sabah, Malaysia

Circling manta ray, Maldives

Sean with some shark admirers

To see more of Sean’s work, visit his website, www.greatwhitesean.com, or check out his Facebook page.


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