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VIETNAMESE Official Urgent Electronic Visa - eVisa Vietnam - Online Vietnam Visa - Visa dealanach Bhietnam air-loidhne luath is luath, Visa Turasachd is Gnìomhachais Bhietnam an Riaghaltais Oifigeil

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Address :
2-4 Donegall Pl, Belfast BT1 5BA, United Kingdom

Phone :
+44 28 9031 1600

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Category :
Electronic Visa

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Owner / Official Contact Name :
Ria Holden Vanessa

Description :
Tha Riaghaltas Bhietnam air an dòigh as sìmplidh, as luaithe agus as fhasa airson tagradh a dhèanamh airson Vietnam Visa Online air an làrach-lìn seo. Faodaidh tu a-nis Foirm Iarrtais Visa Air-loidhne Bhietnam a lìonadh bho shòghalachd do dhachaigh gun tadhal air Ambasaid Bhietnam. Lìon am foirm ann am beagan mhionaidean, luchdaich suas do dhealbh aghaidh agus duilleag cead-siubhail agus dèan pàigheadh air-loidhne. An ceann beagan làithean gheibh thu vietnamse eVisa air post-d. Faodaidh tu tadhal air a’ phort-adhair no am port-mara sa bhad gun a dhol gu Ambasaid Bhietnam. Cuideachd, tha stampa corporra no pàipeir a dhìth air do chead-siubhail. Tha am pròiseas dealanach seo ris an canar cuideachd eVisa no Visa dealanach airson Bhietnam ri fhaighinn do 80 dùthaich. Ma tha thu à aon de na dùthchannan fortanach sin, faodaidh tu a dhol thairis air a’ chiudha gus tagradh a dhèanamh air Portal Air-loidhne airson Visa Bhietnam. Faodaidh tu an dealbh a thogail bhon fhòn-làimhe agad agus post-d a chuir thugainn mura h-urrainn dhut a luchdachadh suas. Feumaidh tu cead-siubhail tùsail a ghiùlan chun phort-adhair gus an urrainn dha na h-oifigearan in-imrich aig a’ phort-adhair duilleag do chead-siubhail a stampadh airson faighinn a-steach do Bhietnam. Cuideachd, feumaidh do chead-siubhail a bhith dligheach airson 180 latha air a’ cheann-latha a chaidh thu a-steach do Bhietnam. Tha na dùthchannan a leanas airidh air Visa Air-loidhne Bhietnam aka eVisa Bhietnam, a’ Bheilg, an Òlaind, na h-Innseachan, Nauru, Portagal, Croatia, an Ruis, an Spàinn, Eileanan Solomon, Qatar, a ’Ghearmailt, Liechtenstein, Argentina, a’ Phòlainn, a ’Ghrèig, Astràilia, Brunei, na Stàitean Aonaichte , An Danmhairg, Romania, Braisil, Malta, Bulgàiria, Fionnlainn, Innis Tìle, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Èirinn, Meagsago, Peru, Slobhagia, Venezuela, Nirribhidh, Georgia, Mongolia, Estonia, Sloibhinia, Liotuàinia, Coloimbia, Papua New Guinea, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Uruguaidh, Emiratos Arabach Aonaichte, an t-Suain, Coirèa, Armenia, Fiji, Montenegro, an Eilbheis, Andorra, Cuba, Latvia, Cambodia, Monaco, Canada, Sealainn Nuadh, an Eadailt, an Fhraing, Lucsamburg, na h-Eileanan Marshall, Vanuatu, Cipros, Macedonia, an Ungair, Poblachd nan Seiceach, Iapan, San Marino, Bosnia agus Herzegovina, Moldova, Belarus, an Rìoghachd Aonaichte, Panama, an Ostair, Montserrat, Micronesia, Chile. Government of Vietnam has introduced the simplest, quickest and easy method to apply for Vietnam Visa Online on this website. You can now fill out the Vietnam Visa Online Application Form from the luxury of your home without visiting Vietnam Embassy. Fill the form in couple of minutes, upload your face photograph and passport page and make payment online. After a few days you will receive vietnamse eVisa by email. You can visit the airport or seaport straight away without going to vietnamse Embassy. Also, there is on physical or paper stamp required on your passport. This electronic process also known as eVisa or Electronic Visa for Vietnam is available to 80 countries. If you are from one of these lucky countries, you can skip the queue to apply on Online Portal for Vietnam Visa. You can take the photo from your mobile phone and email us if you cannot upload. You will need to carry original passport to the airport so that the immigration officers at the airport can stamp your passport page for entry into Vietnam. Also, your passport must be valid for 180 days on the date of your entry into Vietnam. The following countries are eligible for Vietnam Online Visa aka eVisa Vietnam, Belgium, Netherlands, India, Nauru, Portugal, Croatia, Russia, Spain, Solomon Islands, Qatar, Germany, Liechtenstein, Argentina, Poland, Greece, Australia, Brunei, United States, Denmark, Romania, Brazil, Malta, Bulgaria, Finland, Iceland, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Slovakia, Venezuela, Norway, Georgia, Mongolia, Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Uruguay, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Korea, Armenia, Fiji, Montenegro, Switzerland, Andorra, Cuba, Latvia, Cambodia, Monaco, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Cyprus, Macedonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Japan, San Marino, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Belarus, United Kingdom, Panama, Austria, Montserrat, Micronesia, Chile.


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